Coordinate Colours For Stunning Results
An interior or exterior paint job can range in scope from basic to complex. If you are a homeowner looking to refresh the interior or exterior of your home with fresh paint, you should definitely take the time to consider how a selection of complementing colours can significantly improve the end result. Home improvement stores and paint shops alike have brochures and other material that can assist you with important decisions like this.
On a large exterior paint job that we recently completed, our customer took some time to look at a variety of different colour combinations to determine what would work best for their home. Given the extent of the paint job, and the need to refresh the overall look of the property for a potential sale sometime down the road, it was important to get the colour selection right so as to give the property an attractive new look which would be attractive to a wide range of people.
On this job, we painted a rear home sunroom exterior, two large storage sheds, two sections of wooden fencing, as well as a number of doors and window frames. Aside from the window frames, which were repaired and repainted in a fresh semi-gloss white, we went with a three colour scheme for this paint job. In the photos below, you'll see how the three colour scheme gives great new curb appeal - trim is painted in the darker chocolate colour while the lighter colour is reserved for the siding. An even lighter colour was used on the doors to make them "pop". This entire colour scheme gave a huge improvement to these structures which were desperately in need of freshening up.